FS 2004 Doherty's Difficult and Dangerous Approaches - Volume 1. I am constantly amazed by the high number of simers that restrict their flying activities to small localized areas, never venturing much further than their own backyards. I can't help thinking that they miss out on some truly great flying experiences by confining themselves to such limited parameters. If nothing else, Doherty's Difficult and Dangerous Approaches will get you out more! Whether you are simply a local pilot flying within your own well-worn neighbourhood, or a demanding adventurous international aviator, there's something for everyone in these volumes. For the new simer I have included some very easy approaches, and for the army of case-hardened veterans who think they has seen and done it all - let me tell you now - you haven't! I'll introduce you to approaches that will leave you absolutely flabbergasted - and may I add, begging for more! Each volume contains (10) difficult and dangerous approaches which are set up for you – all you have to do is fly them! I have also included a ~ (STAR) ~ approach in each volume - which is a gem of an approach that will thrill and amaze you. If you've always wanted to know where all the difficult and dangerous approaches could be found in MSFS 2004, but never new where to look, I've discovered them all - and now I'm sharing them with you. Check out Doherty's Difficult and Dangerous Approaches - by Michael Doherty - you won't be disappointed.
